Member-only story
You’re the Only One Who Will Suffer if You Drink the Poison
You won’t change anyone’s mind or heart by spewing toxicity at them
Some of my favorite Medium writers routinely write things that I could choose to find offensive. (Usually it’s language.)
Some of my favorite Medium writers occasionally or even frequently take political or social positions I disagree with.
I rarely comment.
If I do comment, it’s to engage in a discussion, not to attack.
I never block them for expressing themselves honestly in their own space.
Sometimes I’ll respond by writing my own piece, expressing my opinion. Most of the time, I respond to something I disagree with or find offensive by not responding. I simply move on.
When it comes to Medium and other online platforms, I find the best philosophy is conveyed in the serenity prayer:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage…