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I wish that reporter hadn’t said, “Let’s go, Brandon!”
If only she had just ignored the chanting
Full disclosure: I think Joe Biden will go down in history as the worst U.S. President ever.
While I share the political opinions of many of the people who began chanting “F — — Joe Biden” at sporting events just nine months into his term, I don’t share the opinion that such public chants are appropriate or acceptable.
Who knows what would have happened had NBC Sports reporter Kelli Stavast not either misunderstood or deliberately misquoted the crowd at Talladega Superspeedway in Alabama. Maybe the chanting at various events would have continued or escalated; maybe it would have faded away.
But now the euphemism is embedded in popular culture.
“Let’s go, Brandon!” is emblazoned on banners, signs, and even clothing — and I believe a lot of people who wouldn’t dream of using the F-word so casually have happily adopted this anti-Biden slogan.