My Ideal Client is a Crazy Sane EntrepreneurThey’re the most fun to work with and supportFeb 20Feb 20
There’s More to a Great Book than a Good ManuscriptEditing, proofing, design, production and more all work together — and without them, your book will flopFeb 161Feb 161
I Don’t Want an Apology if it’s Not SincereThere’s no value in forcing adults to apologize for anything, even when they’re wrongFeb 8Feb 8
Published inWriters’ BlokkeBeware of Amazon KDP Publishing ScamsAmazon KDP does not charge to publish your book or maintain it on AmazonFeb 8Feb 8
Don’t Assume Your Audience Knows What You KnowIf your audience doesn’t know what you’re talking about, your message will failJan 13Jan 13
Published inWriters’ BlokkeSay or Write What You Want, but Accept the ConsequencesSome common sense tips for protecting yourself from litigationDec 17, 20242Dec 17, 20242
Hourly Billing is Dying — May It Rest in PeaceWe should charge and pay for value, not timeDec 11, 2024Dec 11, 2024
Published inWriters’ BlokkeWriterWatch: A Cool New Tool for AuthorsA free Chrome plugin helps authors selling books on AmazonNov 21, 20241Nov 21, 20241